It was great to see so many new Scouting families at Camp Berry for our Family Fun Day on September 22 and the council is looking forward to seeing many more at Family Fun Day on October 19 at Camp Lakota. This month I am going to share about two of the methods of Scouting, Advancement(recognition) and the Scout Uniform.
There are 4 types of people that like recognition: boys, girls, men and women. Over 700 new youth joined the Scouting movement this past month in our council. Let’s make sure at the next Pack meeting this month or in October, that each of the new Scouts is presented with their Bobcat Rank. An important part of the Bobcat trail is that the Scout and their parent completes How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide in the front of their handbook. For the Lions, since they are not eligible for the Bobcat rank until the end of Kindergarten, make sure you recognize them as the newest members of the Pack. They and their parents are our future. Lion parents should review the How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide (the booklet is include with the Lion Book) with their Scout as soon as possible, and it is required to earn the Lion Rank. In all rank ceremonies, make sure you include the parents. Remember in Cub Scouts, advancement is all about doing your best!
The other method of Scouting that I am going to focusing on this month is the uniform. Besides camping, the Scout uniform is mentioned as one of the most recognized items of our movement. One of the key reasons that our founder, Lord Baden Powell, had the youth, that he took to Brown Sea Island on that first Scout campout wear a uniform, was to put them all on the same level. These newly minted Scouts were only distinguished in their dress by the merits that they had earned within Scouting. The uniform has since become an identifier to the community of Scouting. As volunteer leaders, we should lead by example and wear the complete uniform consisting of the uniform shirt, pants and socks. We should encourage our Scouts to do the same. With the addition of the uniform switchback pants, it makes the full uniform flexible to wear year-round. As a Scout, what other part of your wardrobe do you wear weekly year-round? Would you play a sport, or do any other activity, with half the equipment? I could list several additional advantages of the uniform, but the key thing to remember is seeing a fully uniform Scout in the community tells the world that Scouting is alive and well and making positive impact on today’s youth! Hope to see you along the Scouting trail in full uniform soon.

Marc D. Kogan has been serving the Boy Scouts of America as a commissioned professional since 1998 and currently the Scout Executive/Executive Director for the Black Swamp Area Council. As a youth in Scouting, Marc earned the rank of Eagle Scout. In addition, he was bestowed the Vigil Honor from the Order of the Arrow and completed the Wood Badge training. Marc also currently serves as the Cubmaster for Cub Scout Pack 309, where his son is working on his Webelos rank. He resides in Findlay, OH with his wife and their son.