News from our DFS

 Staff Changes

There is nothing permanent as change - and this summer - change is coming to your professional staff.

As you may know, we recently said goodbye to two Field Directors: Ward Bramlett and Terry Whitaker. Ward is now serving as a Field Director in the Gulf Ridge Council, based in Tampa. Terry Whitaker received a promotion to serve as the Assistant Scout Executive in the Flint River Council, based in Griffin, Georgia.

Thankfully, the North Florida Council has a strong bench and our in-house talent is stepping up.

Denise Dreyer, who had been serving as a District Director in the Shawnee District, has received a promotion to serve as the Metro South Field Directo, providing servant leadership to volunteers and staff in the Black Creek, Osceola and River Bend Districts, as well as the Learning for Life Division.

Tade Sullivan, who had been serving as a District Director in the Great Muskogee District, has recieved a promotion to serve as the Suwannee Valley Field Director, providing servant leadership to volunteers and staff in the Alachua, Marion, Suwannnee River and Timucua Districts.  

These two promotions are effective June 1st. When you see Denise and Tade please congratulate them on this opportunity!

We are also excited to share some upcoming news about several other positions on our team.

Lamont Henry, who has been serving as a Program Specialist in the Scout Reach Division, has accepted the opportunity to provide servant leadership to the Shawnee District as its new District Executive.

Cole Walters, who has been serving as the Osceola District Executive, has accepted the opportunity to provide servant leadership to the River Bend District as its new Senior District Executive.

These two changes are effective July 1st.

There are more announcements to come in regards to the Great Muskogee, Marion West and Osceola Districts.

All of these professionals stand ready to work with volunteers to grow Scouting in their respective areas of service.

Thank you! ~ Patrick Linsfors, Director of Field Services, patrick.linfors@scouting.org

Summer Camps


Aquatics Camp
All kinds of water activities - PLUS Disc Golf, Spin Wheel Sand Art, Badminton, Chess, Croquet, Model Building. Open to all boys & girls ages 6-14 years old! Boy Scouts can earn merit badges too!


Cub Scout Day Camp - NAS JAX 
Lots of fun activities as Cub Scouts Take Flight! Archery, BB Guns, Crafts, Sports, Games, and lots more! Registration for NAS JAX Camp closes June 26th.

Cub & Webelos Resident Camp / July 12-15 &/or July 15-18
For Scouts who will be in 2nd - 5th Grade in the Fall of 2015. Each Rank will experience activities to work towards their advancement. Plus Scouts will get to enjoy swimming, arts & crafts, sports, archery, bb guns, campfires, movies, and so much more!

Boy Scout Summer Camp
Over 50 merit badges being offerd at Camp Shands! Plus special programs -- High Adventure Camp or Discover River Quest! Trainings such as CPR, Leave No Trace, Trek Safely, Climb on Safely and more. Sign up now as space is limited!

Special Events

Jacksonville AXEMAN Rugby Scout Night / June 20th
Scouts come watch the Jacksonville Rugby Team at UNF Soccer fields. Special Discount for Scouts and families. Pregame activities start at 4:30pm / Game starts at 5:30pm

Cub Hike Club



Lace up your hiking shoes, grab your hiking stick and come out and join the CUB HIKING CLUB! Nobody gets left at home! These events are open to all Cub Scouts, siblings and parents.

Hikes vary in length and duration and most are free of charge. Most hikes are between one to two miles long. There may be some locations that charge a nominal fee and we'll make every effot to notify participants ahead of time.

Participants will receive a FREE special glass or metal bead to wear on their patch or uniform after each hike. Patches can be purchased at the time of the hike for $3 each. HIking Sticks are also available for purchase.

Check out the 2015 Cub Hike Club Schedule and We Will See You on The Trail!

Youth Training


National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) / July 26-August 1st
This is a week-long course where youth are taught the basic skills necessary to become leaders in their Units, communities and future professions. Program ranges from geocaching to knots, sports to backpacking, competitions and campfires. The week starts off with an orientation and a graduation ceremony rounds out the end of the course.

Space is limited! Go to www.nyltnfc.org for more information.

Adult Trainings

Adult Leader Trainings

Cubmaster Leader Training / June 6th
Open to all Cubmasters and assistants. There is no charge for this training.
First Presbyterian Church in Ocala from 9:00am to 12:00pm

More Adult Trainings Coming This Fall! Be sure to check the North Florida Council website for dates and locations.