Girl Scout Tree Promise: Learn Best Practices for Tree Planting- D/B

Girl Scout Tree Promise: Learn Best Practices for Tree Planting- D/B
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175 Clubhouse Road
Lebanon, CT 06249, US
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Daisies and Brownies- Are you looking to get started on the Girl Scout Tree Promise? Join us at Camp Laurel to learn some of the best practices for planting and maintaining tree saplings.

First, we will be joined by a UConn professor in the forestry department. He has a lot of great tips for planting and maintaining trees so we can make a smart contribution to our local ecosystem. After our talk, we'll do some fun tree crafts and a cooking activity over the fire.  

Cost: $8 per girl, $5 per adult. Each Girl Scout will take home their own tree sapling to plant. Please plan to bring a picnic lunch and dress for the weather. 

Bring your whole troop, just a Girl Scout friend, or join us on your own! 

The Girl Scout Tree Promise is a project run by GSUSA to plant 5 million trees across the country over the next 5 years. Find out more about the Promise, how you can record when you plant a tree, and where to get your patch for planting by visiting the official GSUSA page here:

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$5.00 per Adult
$8.00 per Girl Scout